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I'm super excited to bring you the Dream Teen Training Program!


It's no secret that adolescence is fraught with challenges and is one of the most difficult periods to navigate.


The adolescent developmental period begins around 6 months of age and lasts until around 18-24 months. This varies depending on breed, and these ages are approximate. Due to brain development, hormonal changes and body growth, your dog's behaviour will also change. 


Which is why I'm pleased to offer a program that will support you every step of the way and share all the learning and experience I've gained over the past 20+ years - training and techniques I wish I'd known earlier myself - and a lot of problem prevention.


Instead of becoming frustrated, it’s important to focus on what you can do.


Throughout the Dream Teen program training will be appropriate and individual to you and your dog. You'll learn simple, practical training exercises that support your dog's learning and the human superskills that will make your training journey much easier. The program includes step-by-step video tutorials specific to adolescent dogs which allows all the dogs family and carers to follow the training plan. 


Click on the link for a brochure, or use the form below to get in touch.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!


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